Monday, May 17, 2010

May 10, 2010

The Importance of Admitting My Sin by Dr. Jim Wilbur, Executive Chaplain

The fact that we sin should come as no surprise to anyone who is taking the time to read this. The Bible clearly says that if there is anyone who says they don’t sin then they are a liar (that is a sin itself.)

The issue is not if I sin or not, but how do I respond when I do sin. Most of us respond like Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden and we run and hide. Some of the ways we do that is by shifting blame, making excuses, or calling our sin a “problem” that we might have.

Anything that blocks our relationship with God is really defined as sin and there is only one answer for sin…the blood of Jesus Christ. No matter if you keep doing the same thing over and over again as you long as you are truly desiring to change and become more and more like Jesus He always will forgive you and wash you completely clean (as if you had never sinned.)

The truth is that as long as I label things in my life as a problem, then I will probably have a lot of ways to manage and maintain my problems. If I am honest with myself and call it sin, then there is only one solution and that is Jesus. He does not promise to manage my sin, but He promises to remove it from my life completely.

So if I get mad and yell at my wife for something instead of making excuses, blaming her, or chalking it up to a bad day I admit it is sin. I ask Jesus to forgive me and wash me clean. In the process I am asking Him to change the way that I think so the next time I can respond differently.

The reality is that you will fail as you determine in your heart to follow God. Remember God is the only one who can change your heart and renew your mind. When you fail, run to the Father not away from Him. Nothing you do will ever make Him not accept you when you admit that you have sinned. He loves you completely!

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